It’s been around for quite a while now and it’s taken the online bingo world by storm! Ever wondered what Clock Work bingo is? Well, you’ve come to the right place. We’ll be breaking down the ins and outs of clock work bingo, as well as some handy tips and tricks to help you as you play – also try Super Hot Fruits slot.
Consider this essential reading for beginners looking to pick up a variant of bingo that they’ve not yet tried. Now, let’s get into this.
What is Clock Work Bingo?
Clock Work bingo runs more like a classic lottery game played with up to 90 balls. The aim of the game is too successfully match the bingo that are drawn, with the numbers on the bingo cards that the player has purchased. Unlike any regular game of bingo, clock work bingo can be played by a single player up to a thousand players! Like regular bingo, you will want less people in your game to increase your chances of coming out on top.
When playing Clock Work Bingo online the prizes/jackpots on offer are limited depending on the number of tickets bought ahead of time. With Clock Work Bingo there is a decent chance that for every round played there can be up to three winners — again depending on how many active players there are. Players have the opportunity of playing multiple different variants of the game, here’s what you can bet on:
– One-Line Bingo: Cover every one of the numbers present on any given row on any ticket.
– Two-Line Bingo: Cover all of the numbers on exactly two of the three rows on any of your tickets.
– Full House: Cover every number on all three rows on any of your tickets.
In any online versions of Clock Work Bingo you won’t have to yell out the word ‘bingo’ when you win, the system does this for you. The only thing that is required from you is to select the sort of bets you want to make and the games you want to enter!
How you choose to play will depend entirely on you and your own preferred play style. For beginners we’d recommend playing just the one line for a few games to get a feel for it. From there you can play more ambitiously as you chase the full house. Be sure to familiarise yourself with all the rules before you even think about depositing any cash people!
Where Can I Play Clock Work Bingo?
There are quite a few places you can play Clock Work Bingo, in fact, there are hundreds if not thousands of sites available to you right now offering these sorts of games. Shop around a little is our advice to you. Different sites will offer slight tweaks to the Clock Work Bingo games they have on offer. Plus it makes it more interesting for you rather than playing the exact same game over and over.